Day 119 - People Love My Tomatoes!

Hi everyone. It's me Tommy!

It's been a great week here at Beylik Family Farms. My brothers and sisters and I are all producing our first ripe tomatoes and people everywhere are enjoying them in their favorite recipes.

My Dad Scott said we never know where our tomatoes will be enjoyed. They may be enjoyed in someone's homemade salad or pizza, or they may be enjoyed at a restaurant in a meal prepared by a professional chef.

Because my mom Laura and dad Scott love me so much, they wanted me to know who enjoyed my first tomatoes.

So guess what they did for me!

They hand-delivered my first tomatoes to Sly's Restaurant, one of the best restaurants in Carpinteria!

The owner of Sly's Restaurant is Mr. James Sly. Mr. Sly is a professional chef and only serves the highest quality ingredients to his customers. Chef Sly serves Beylik Family Farms tomatoes exclusively at his restaurant.

I asked my mom Laura what recipe Mr. Sly made with my first tomatoes and she showed me the pictures she took!


That's Chef Sly! He decided to serve my first tomatoes on one of his world famous hamburgers.

Take a look at the picture below!

Wow! Don't my first tomatoes look delicious! Chef Sly sure does think so. He describes Beylik Family Farms tomatoes as, "Beautiful and always delicious!"

It makes me so happy as a tomato plant to see people like Chef Sly enjoying my tomatoes.

Hey! I just thought of something.

If you live in southern California, you can enjoy my tomatoes too!

They're available at any of the farmers markets listed at this link

Hey! I just thought of something else!

You can send me pictures of how you enjoy my tomatoes!

I'd love to know what recipes you use my tomatoes in and if you love my tomatoes as much as Chef Sly and his customers.

If you'd like to send me pictures, please email me using the website's contact form at this link

Hope to hear from you soon!

PS. Don't miss a single day of my life story! Subscribe to my email list or follow me on social media.


About Beylik Family Farms
Beylik Family Farms produces the highest quality hydroponically grown tomatoes, cucumbers & other produce sold exclusively through Certified Farmers Markets from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles since 1971. Please visit us at any of the Farmers Markets listed here